"Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" is one of the most significant historical records in the history of mankind. It is a diary that leaves one forever changed for the better to have been through the emotional and heart-wrenching experience of sharing the thoughts, ideas, emotions, and observations of a teenage girl who died during the final days of World War Two. Anne was a teenager whose keen insight and profound intellect speaks to the heart, soul, and mind of every reader....she has been widely loved and respected all over our world for the messages of love and hope she leaves to us from so long ago......

Anne Frank was born in 1929 and died of starvation, neglect, and disease shortly before her sixteenth birthday. She and her family were forced into hiding by the evil force that mercilessly and relentlessly hunted them. While trapped in a tiny set of rooms, Anne wrote what would become the most moving account of what it was like to suffer under Nazi tyranny that was to survive and emerge from this dark age in our world's history, thus leaving the world a vivid account of what the end result of state-sponsored prejudice and discrimination can spawn.

While Anne's diary still has the power to make people weep decades after her tragic death, this remarkable teenager's writing ultimately had the power to do what no other diary or essay of the time accomplished --- Anne Frank's work bankrupted the idelology of National Socialism.


It's almost impossible for those of the Twenty-First Century to understand that in the first half of the Twentieth Century the ideology of National Socialism had the support of some in the intellectual community. While it took the combined might of the Allied Armed Forces to militarily defeat the military forces representing the ideology of National Socialism, it has never been possible for military force to defeat an ideology. Anne Frank's diary accomplished what no other intellectual of her time was able to do.....her diary bankrupted the intellectual foundations of the National Socialist ideology that had led the world to such agony and grief during the Second World War. Anne Frank's influence on future generations is multi-faceted..... she speaks to those who read her diary as an account of what it is like to cross the bridge from childhood to adulthood and to travel this bridge under the most difficult conditions imagineable, as well as those who read her diary as an account of what the ultimate result becomes when a nation embraces the ideology of hate, fear, and force.

Anne Frank is one of the most influential historical figures of our era, and her diary is one of the most significant first-person historical accounts of tragedy and triumph that has ever been left as a priceless gift for future generations........Her diary will remain as a beacon of hope and understanding for all mankind forever and ever and always and always to the end of time!h