1. Introduction Paragraph

    1. Creative Hook:

      Surrealism is a form of writing and art that strips the mind of its sanity. In Like Water For Chocolate & Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland the Bumpy road the protagonist takes them in very unexpected places. I

    2. Thesis Statement: (Has a so what & is arguable)

      In Both books all the characters are incredibly frustrated with the way their lives are going so they make the world they live in “magical” as a coping mechanism for their sorrow

  2. Body Paragraph 1

    1. Topic Sentence-

      In the book Alice’s adventure in Wonderland Alice is frustrated because she seemed to be out of control of her own life.

      1. Eample 1 Quotation: (Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)(Include Act, scene, line numbers in parenthesis after each quotation!)

        She’s either too small or too large for the adventures in the first chapter.

        1. Explanation 1-

          Her exaggerated size is magical realism showcasing her true feelings of insignificance. The ruler of Wonderland is the Queen of hearts and Alice feels powerless against the Queen.

      2. Example 2- Quotation: (Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)

        The King of hearts rules Wonderland as well but he is not as bloodthirsty as his wife.

        1. Explanation 2-

          He is generally unlikable but he has a soft spot and he lets people go that the Queen has sentenced to death. At the end of the book the King tries to save Alice from death by saying “all persons more than a mile hi to leave the court.” Alice regains control of her life and slowly discovers that Wonderland is a dream that she always had control of if she could just wake up. when Alice finally starts to take control of her life she realizes that the Queen and her minions are “nothing but a pack of cards!”

      3. Example 3- Quotation: (Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)

        1. Explanation 3-

          The Queen rules and dominates through fear of execution.

    2. Concluding Sentence-

      Alice eventually figures out that the Queen never actually kills anyone that she sentences to death all of the Queen’s power is in her ability to create fear. The Cheshire Cat is grinning all the time because he is threatened by no one. He lives his life as an outsider laughing at the inhabitants of the land

  3. Body Paragraph 2 *make sure this proves a different aspect of the thesis than the first body paragraph

    1. Topic Sentence-

      1. Example 1- Quotation:(Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)

        There are many similarities between like water for chocolate and Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. In both books the characters feel like they are trapped in a world they don’t want to be in and dream of the magical reality where they can do whatever they want.

        1. Explanation 1-

          In the Book like Water for Chocolate Gertrudis did not know how to handle her unrealized passion for the world outside her small farm. “Her body was giving so much heat that the wooden wall began to split and burst into flames”(54). In this scene she seems to lose her mind and runs across the yard naked jumping onto a horse with a random man. Gertrudis is sad and frustrated with her life in her fantasies a man saves her from the banality of her existence by making love to her on the back of a horse.

      2. Example 2- Quotation:(Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)

        Alice’s frustrated by her life in a similar fashion she jumps down a rabbit hole and effort to get away from adult party she’s expected to be at. In Alice’s adventure in Wonderland she drinks a potion unsure of what it will do to her. Rosaura is very much like the rabbit and Alice’s adventures in Wonderland always trying to do the right thing but failing miserably

        1. Explanation 2-

          At the end of like water for chocolate Mama Elena ends up killing herself by taking syrup meant to calm her stomach because she believed her child was poisoning her. “Mama Elena must have been taking it secretly. John informed That that it was a very strong emetic that could cause death”(135).

      3. Example 3- Quotation: (Bold the essential parts of the quotation- you will need to cut it down when you put it into your own sentence in your essay.)

        1. Explanation 3-

          “He found Rosaura, her lips purple, body deflated,eyes wide,with a distant look, sighing out her last flatulent breath. John's diagnosis was an acute congestion of the stomach” (232). Tita has an experience like this when she eats the wax because John said “ if strong emotion suddenly lights all the candles we carry inside ourselves, it creates a brightness that shines far beyond our normal vision” (244) and she thought if i eat the light i will see the tunnel just like pedro, Just like Alice when she ate the cake because there was a sign that said Drink me.

    2. Concluding Sentence

      At the end of the book the author says “she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple choice, remembering her own child life, and the happy summer days”. It is the last line of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Just like Tita sought a better world for Esperanza, Alice seeks a better life for her sister.

  4. Concluding Paragraph

    1. Creative Close- (Consider finding a second quotation related to the heart of your thesis or refer back to specific words from the opening quotation used)

      Alice and Tita both make up interesting magical worlds for themselves as a coping mechanism to escape their pre-determined lives. Tita takes a great deal longer to find her true happiness, in fact she literally have to die to be happy. Alice finds her happiness lives only in her mind. Both are trapped by a the determined forces in the life.Titas mother has decided how her life will unfold for her leaving her with literally no choices at all. Alice on the other hand is still a child and she feels like she has some control, she will later learn that she has none. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland are all a dream in Alice’s mind. Alice simply needs to take control of her surroundings by waking up to leave the dream. All of Alice’s problems conveniently waited for her while she took a little nap. Alice created a world that was more interesting than her own a world. Yet it mimicked her own in many ways.

    2. Answer back to the so what-

      All the horrible things that happen to her in this world mimicked how she felt about herself. She was too small, she was too large, she had no voice, and she never did anything right. The parts of her dream that were wonderful were the parts of her life she could control, namely waking up. Tita on the other hand was a true glutton for punishment. She never really felt like she deserved a better life and so she never got one. When she finally found her true voice and figured out what she wanted for herself her young life had literally passed by her. She didn’t sleep through her life like Alice did. Tita trudged through every single day. Both characters made up wonderful adventures to have in their minds because the reality of their existence was just too dull to bear.

Like Wonderland For Chocolate

1st Paragraph Intro/Thesis:

Surrealism is a form of writing and art that strips the mind of its sanity. In Like Water For Chocolate & Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland the Bumpy road the protagonist takes them in very unexpected places. In Both books all the characters are incredibly frustrated with the way their lives are going so they make the world they live in “magical” as a coping mechanism for their sorrow.

Second paragraph:

In the book Alice’s adventure in Wonderland Alice is frustrated because she seemed to be out of control of her own life. She’s either too small or too large for the adventures in the first chapter. Her exaggerated size is magical realism showcasing her true feelings of insignificance. The ruler of Wonderland is the Queen of hearts and Alice feels powerless against the Queen. The Queen rules and dominates through fear of execution. Alice eventually figures out that the Queen never actually kills anyone that she sentences to death all of the Queen’s power is in her ability to create fear. The Cheshire Cat is grinning all the time because he is threatened by no one. He lives his life as an outsider laughing at the inhabitants of the land. The King of hearts rules Wonderland as well but he is not as bloodthirsty as his wife. He is generally unlikable but he has a soft spot and he lets people go that the Queen has sentenced to death. At the end of the book the King tries to save Alice from death by saying “all persons more than a mile hi to leave the court.” Alice regains control of her life and slowly discovers that Wonderland is a dream that she always had control of if she could just wake up. when Alice finally starts to take control of her life she realizes that the Queen and her minions are “nothing but a pack of cards!”

Third paragraph:

There are many similarities between like water for chocolate and Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. In both books the characters feel like they are trapped in a world they don’t want to be in and dream of the magical reality where they can do whatever they want. In the Book like Water for Chocolate Gertrudis did not know how to handle her unrealized passion for the world outside her small farm. “Her body was giving so much heat that the wooden wall began to split and burst into flames”(54). In this scene she seems to lose her mind and runs across the yard naked jumping onto a horse with a random man. Gertrudis is sad and frustrated with her life in her fantasies a man saves her from the banality of her existence by making love to her on the back of a horse. Alice’s frustrated by her life in a similar fashion she jumps down a rabbit hole and effort to get away from adult party she’s expected to be at. At the end of like water for chocolate Mama Elena ends up killing herself by taking syrup meant to calm her stomach because she believed her child was poisoning her. “Mama Elena must have been taking it secretly. John informed That that it was a very strong emetic that could cause death”(135). In Alice’s adventure in Wonderland she drinks a potion unsure of what it will do to her. Rosaura is very much like the rabbit and Alice’s adventures in Wonderland always trying to do the right thing but failing miserably. “He found Rosaura, her lips purple, body deflated,eyes wide,with a distant look, sighing out her last flatulent breath. John's diagnosis was an acute congestion of the stomach” (232). Tita has an experience like this when she eats the wax because John said “ if strong emotion suddenly lights all the candles we carry inside ourselves, it creates a brightness that shines far beyond our normal vision” (244) and she thought if i eat the light i will see the tunnel just like pedro, Just like Alice when she ate the cake because there was a sign that said Drink me. At the end of the book the author says “she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple choice, remembering her own child life, and the happy summer days”. It is the last line of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Just like Tita sought a better world for Esperanza, Alice seeks a better life for her sister.

How she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child‑life, and the happy summer days.

  • First Paragraph. Intro/thesis
  • Second Paragraph (other book or movie, i did alice in the above paragraph)
    • You Don't Speak About Like Water For CHocolate at all
  • Third Paragraph Like Water For Chocolate
    • 3 examples
    • say how the 2 books are similar by weaving examples in your 3 points
  • Fourth paragraph Conclusion


The Essay can be about anything But it has to include some magical realism or surrealism and have 2 different books, movie, short story, art into it.

  • Murakami was part of the post WWII baby boom. born in Kyoto he spent his childhood in Shukugawa.
  • His father was a son of a priest of the religion of Buddhism, and his mother was daughter of a Osaka merchant.
    • both his mother and father taught japanese literature.
  • Murakami was heavily influenced by western culture, he was most influenced by the music and writing.
    • The Western influence created a gap between him and other Japanese writers.
  • He went to Waseda University and studied drama.
  • his first job was at a record store(just like a person in one of his stories).
  • just before he finished his studies at Waseda University he opened up a Coffee Jazz bar.
    • he ran the business with his wife from 1974 to 1981.
  • most of his books have some form of classical music whether it be themes and titles.
  • Murakami is a Marathon runner and has done some triathlon,
    • funny thing is he did not start running till he was 33 years old.
  • he started writing fiction when he was 29 years of age, before that he was a normal guy who ran a jazz club.
  • he got this crazy idea to be a writer when watching a baseball game.
    • when he heard the crack of the bat he got the idea

Title Ideas:

Like Wonderland For Chocolate

Two Dimensional Characters in a Three Dimensional World

House Of Cards Spoiled By Chocolate

Boiling Over From The Queen

Pedro The Stealer Of The Queen Of Hearts

Alice And Tita Escape The Grip Of A Joker

The Chief Of Wonder

Cite These


Outline Template

Outline Template

Essay Rubric

Surrealism Magical Realism Argument Essay

Name __________________

Submitted for: 10th English or 10th Honors (circle one)

Magical Realism and/or Surrealism Argument Essay

What two pieces are you going to compare in your essay? List them here:

Steps in Writing

1. Research magical realism or surrealism as genres in literature and art

2. Choose 1 artwork, movie, or short story that contains elements of surrealism or magical realism

3. Analyze how the piece of art and the novel that you read use characteristics of magical realism or surrealism- comment on the similarities or differences

4. Create an argument that considers what you have learned about magical realism or surrealism that can proven to be true in both the book that you read for class and the art piece, movie, short story, or other book that you read.

*Choose either an academic voice or an I-Search voice. (An I-search voice is more about your interaction with the artwork and research, and you can use I in the writing. It allows you to integrate your reactions and reflections in a more personal way.)

5. Organize your ideas into an argument essay format. (similar to the format used when writing the Argument essay on Julius Caesar). Choose point by point or block organization to compare the two texts.


____ 1-2 pages of notes about genre of surrealism or magical realism (3 academic sources English 10 or 6 Honors Designation)

____ Gather literature examples

____ Create a thesis to guide your essay. It must be arguable. You need to be able to prove it to be true for both pieces.

____ Plan body paragraph organization. Point by point or block.

____ Outline your essay

____ Write the paper

____ Essay 4 paragraphs for English 10 or 5 to 6 for Honors English 3-4 pages

*Be sure to apply the mini-lessons that we have in class to your final essay


Argument Paper Comparison Contrast Essay

Needs Improvement

Developing Technique

Mastered Technique

Introduction Paragraph

Analytical title that focuses on the heart of the thesis

Paper opens with a strong hook and transitions to discussion of the literature and genre

Uses the title of the book(italics) and the author’s name

Introduction paragraph is the second shortest paragraph in the essay

The thesis is one sentence/and last sentence in the introduction paragraph- written in a clear and active voice

The thesis says something important in relation to a bigger picture idea

The thesis is arguable and discusses magical realism or surrealism as a genre

The thesis is unique

Body Paragraphs (2-4 paragraphs)

Use strong broad topic sentences that link back to proving the thesis

Uses point by point or block paragraphs to organize information

Uses 2-3 examples to prove the topic sentence

Examples are text based quotations from at least one piece that was read with the class

Essentials of the quotations are used- don't use a whole sentence- take out the parts that are needed to prove your point

All quotations are opened using your own words

Uses 1-2 sentences of analysis after each example in the body paragraph

Compares the two texts directly at logical points in the paper

Works in some information from notes about genre of magical realism or surrealism using proper citation

Concluding sentences are used as a look back

Conclusion Paragraph

Concluding paragraph closes the paper in an interesting way that connects back to the introduction paragraph- shortest paragraph in the

Grammar and mechanics have been checked and edited for the final copy

Includes a Works Cited list

Final Grade out of 100 Points

*Review Unit Notes about magical realism and surrealism
