1. What are Booker T. Washington’s views on how African Americans can best improve their situations? What quote from his from p.602 best reflects this view? Explain...

Booker T. Washington quote on page 602 “put down your pockets where you are”. Booker T. Washington was advocating long-term goals, long-term social change instead of immediate self-improvement. He believed that slowly acclimating into the white world is the answer not rushing in and trying to attain full equality right away. Improve yourself slowly and then fight for equal rights over the long-term.

  1. What are W.E.B. DuBois’ views on how African Americas can best improve their situations?

Dubois was against limiting black peoples inspiration and aspirations in life. He believed that education at trade in agricultural schools was a good enough he wanted full university education for black men. He believed you could improve your situation I fighting for equal rights and higher education.

  1. What is the background on the NAACP? What were its goals and how did it believe these goals would best be achieved?

The NAACP is the national Association for the advancement of colored people fought for equal rights using lawsuits in the federal courts. It relied on the most intellectual educated members of the black race the talented 10% and it pushed for exceptionally bright blacks to gain addition of full equality and ultimately it would benefit all blacks.

  1. How did WWI affect African Americans in the U.S., including attitudes?

367,000 black men served in the war and they believed when they came back they would have the respect of white people they were wrong. They became bitter many moved from rural South to the North cities. The great migration happened. White attitudes were racists and bad in the South and one white veterans came back from the war black factory workers were laid off. There was racial violence in 1919 that was widespread.


  1. In 1919, how did black responses to white racism begin to change?

For the very first time it wasn’t just white people attacking blacks it also involved blacks fighting back NAACP urged blacks to retaliate and defend themselves

  1. Marcus Garvey – Who was he, who did he draw his support from, what were his goals and how did he hope to accomplish them?

Marcus Garvey had a following poor urban blacks ideology of black nationalism. He told people to reject assimilation into white society and have pride in your own race he claimed it was superior to the white race. He started the Negro improvement Association you NIA launched a chain of black owned grocery stores and told people to open other black businesses and eventually he told blacks to leave America and go back to Africa.

  1. The inner cities – What factors were at play that contributed to poor conditions and urban decay?

The white people on moved to the suburbs and left inner-city neighborhoods that were left for people and they turned into ghettos. Employers were moving factories from cities to the suburbs where the cost of labor was lower and there was less unskilled jobs available. Juvenile crime rose because inner-city youth with no hope of advancement were bitter.

  1. Brown v. Board – Where did it occur, what was decided, and what justification was given for the decision?

Brown versus the Board of Education May 17 1954 Topeka the Court looked at segregating Kansas public schools. The court rejected the Plessy versus Ferguson decision that said separate and equal. The Brown decision said it was unconstitutional the judge said that school segregation was illegal some schools had to put the two races together.