Debate Case Rebuttal Work!
It is important to anticipate the arguments that your opponent might make before you enter the debate. A counter is an argument against the example. Prove how the example actually helps to prove your side of the debate.
Greek Tragedy (Medea or Antigone)
1.Medea or Antigone
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
2.Medea or Antigone
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
Mythology or 9th Grade English (To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Fences, Catcher in the Rye, or other books that they have checked with you about
3. Mythology or 9th Grade English
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
4. Mythology or 9th Grade English
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
5. Mythology or 9th Grade English
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
*Real World Arguments?
Their possible argument:
Our counter:
Tips for Cross Examination:
Block your opponent's attempts to either hurt your case or help their own!!!! Play defense and work offense in when you can!
Blocking Tips
1. Don't agree to anything that could hurt your case
2. Try to anticipate what your opponent might argue and avoid being led into agreeing to a stance that they might adopt
3. Try to turn around all questions by making them into answers that actually support your side of the argument.
4. Ask your opponent to repeat a question if you need time to think
5. Finally, use up their time! Speak at a slow to average pace. Why should you hurry up and answer the question when the next question might be one that you haven't anticipated? Elaborate..... Answer the question at length.... use up their time.
Part 2: Cross Examination Questions
Notes from the Smartboard:
* Questions are the ones that you can prepare ahead of time. Consider adding the other types of questions during your prep time in the debate round.
1. Clarifying questions. Did you miss any points? This is the only time to ask your opponents to repeat a point or further explain a point. (Just don't give them too much time to do this)
*2. Questions that trick your opponents into agreeing with your side of the topic. Also try a series of questions that help to get them to the point of agreement. Start with something broad and fairly innocent, then move into a related question that gets closer to supporting your topic, and then write one more question that they are forced to agree with as a result of their answers to the first two questions.
3. Questions that point out the flaws in the line of reasoning used to make the points in their case. Try to turn around specific examples that they have used by showing that in fact they support your side of the case. (these would have to be written during prep time)
*4. Questions based in research. Do some additional research and share a key fact, statistic, or quick point with your opponent, and ask them to counter it on the spot. Use real world facts or statistics that make your opponents look callous if they don't agree with your position.
*5. Questions based on interpretation of the debate resolution. Ask them to define terms in the resolution on the spot. If they haven't prepared researched terms, and their on the spot definition leaves them vulnerable this can act in your favor. Consider sharing your own definition during cross examination, and asking for their reaction. (be careful with this, as it can be used against you.)
Write 10 questions that you could use during cross examination: