Oral Final Study Guide
From this year (very basic):
Navigation Acts
North vs. South Economy in the Civil War era
Gilded Age: Industries, Robber Barons
Definitions (in the context of economics)
Wealth Demand Supply GDP Laissez-faire Federal Reserve
Monetary policy Fiscal policy Solvency Liquidate Hooverville Regressive Tax Progressive Tax
Class and Wealth in America PPT:
Definitions: Class, Poverty Rate
Distribution of US family wealth, 2013
The Roaring 20’s PPT
Movement to cities, Technology and manufacturing, Mass culture, Criticism, prohibition, Agriculture (not parity), Government and the economy
Roaring Twenties film ?’s: see PPT
Causes of Depression PPT
Causes (2 slides)
Hoover’s response
Definition: Hooverville
Dust bowl
Impacts of the GD: Jigsaw Reading 685-698
*Questions will be more T/F type questions, trends not specifics, all sections
Hoover: Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, WWI veterans/Bonus March
Great Depression Reading Sheet:
Effects of the GD (skip gold standard)
Definitions: Federal Reserve,Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Solvency, Liquidate
The New Deal: FDR New Deal PPT; jigsaw reading 702-721 (this section reinforces and expands on the powerpoint information; questions from the reading will be mostly T/F type questions, trends not specifics except for the section on criticisms)
First Hundred Days steps
Restore confidence in banks
Restore farm incomes
Employ young men
Home owners
Electricity and Economic Development
Gov’t-Business-Labor Alliance
Stabilize stock market
Help for unemployed
Criticism: Brinkley pages 711-714
2nd New Deal
Social Security Act of 1935
FDR film questions: see ppt
LBJ’s Great Society: LBJ’s Great Society PPT, Brinkley pages 832-836
How does WWII end the depression?
The Affluent Society
War on Poverty
Public Housing
Reagan Revolution PPT; readings
Milton Friedman, J.M. Keynes
Supply-side economics
Keynesian/demand side economics
Reaganomics impacts
Reagan film ?’s: see ppt