Questions page 528

1a What are the six kingdoms of life as they are now identified? The six kingdom system of life includes the kingdoms of Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia.

b Why did systematists establish the domain? They wanted to name all known organisms living and extinct toward the goal of systematics, they wanted to group things in a way that reflects evolutionary relationships

c What were the Monerans? Monera include all prokaryotes bacteria

up to him and him Why did systematists split them into two kingdoms? In the 1990s researchers learned a great deal about the genetics of bacteria the organisms in the kingdom, they were actually two genetically and biochemically different groups so they are separated into two kingdoms eubacteria and archaebacteria.


2a What are the three domains of life? Domain bacteria, Domain archaea and Domain eukarya.

b Why are quotes used when describing the kingdom "protista"?

The quotes around “Protista” because this is a paraphyletic group ,it means that there is no way to put all unicellular eukaryotesn into clade that contains a single common ancestor so you use quotations to show that this is not a true clade.

c Do you think the tree of life cladogram will always stay the same as it is in figure 1818 explain? No because evolutionary classification is rapidly changing science as biologists study relationships they change the way organisms are grouped sometimes the names of organisms and their hypotheses about relationships are not hard facts.

3a The table compares some molecular characteristics of organisms in the three domains

a interpret tables: Which domain have unbranched lipids in their cell membranes? Bacteria and Eukarya have unbranched lipids in their cell membranes.

b Interpret tables : Which domain has just one type of RNA polymerase? Bacteria has just one type.

c Analyze data on the basis of this table how are archaca different from bacteria? Archaea are different than bacteria because bacteria has rare intrans and archaea have sometimes present intrans, bacteria has one type of RNA and archaea has several types of RNA, bacteria does not have histones found with DNA and archaea has hashistones found with DNA, and bacteria has unbranched lipids in cell membranes and archaea has some branched lipid in cell membranes.