History Homework: The Rise of the Fascism After WWI
Read Glencoe textbook pages 560-563 (do not read “A New Era in the USSR”):
What is the main idea the textbook is trying to get across to you in this section? After World War I only France and Britain remained Democratic. Italy and Russia had arrived at dictators.
Define totalitarian, autocracy, authoritarian. Totalitarian the government controls the political, economic, social, intellectual and cultural lives of its citizens. Autocracy led by a single leader and a single party. Authoritarian favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, esp. that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom
Outline: Please be aware that you should have sub--points under each of the lettered categories below. You may not have broken up the text this way but this is how I thought of it so just go with it and use it as an example of what to do. Don’t write too much.
Background after World War I European democracy was left in France and Britain. Italy and Russia started new dictatorships Italy with Mussolini and Stalin in Russia.
Fascist regimes wanted to “conquer” the minds and hearts of their subjects through propaganda and modern communication.
Conquered by using modern technology gave them the ability to impose their wishes on their subjects
Characteristics of totalitarian states led by a single leader and a single party, rejected the idea of limited government power and individual freedoms they wanted no freedoms of individuals and the collective will of the masses the leader will decide. The masses expected to be involved in achieving the states goals.
Fascism in Italy
Economic problems and unrest in Italy Italy experience severe economic problems inflation grew workers stage strikes Socialist spoke of revolutions and the middle class was worried about the communist taking over.
Fascism movement arises in Europe early 1920s Bonito Mussolini set up first European fascist movement in Italy
Mussolini’s Rise he started out as socialists became a Fascist. Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for strong central government led by a dictator. And fascist state the government controls the people and put down any opposition.
Mussolini’s Message 1922 Mussolini's movement was growing quickly middle class feared socialism communism and disorder. So the fascist became attractive. Italians were deeply resentful about losing land after World War I and nationalism was powerful to get more land for Italy.
Mussolini’s Fascist dictatorship characteristics room made Mussolini prime minister of Italy in 1922 he used his position to create a Fascist dictatorship.Gave the government the right to stop any publication that criticize the Catholic Church, the monarchy and King, or the state. The Prime Minister was made head of government and have powers to make laws and the police were given unrestricted authority in 1926 the Fascists outlawed all other political parties and established a secret police.
The Fascist State
The OVRA and media control watch citizens political activities and enforced government policies. Try to control mass media including newspapers radio and film. Propaganda was intended to mold Italians into a single-minded Fascist community. There were simple slogans like Mussolini is always right.
The youth’s part 66% of the population between eight and 18 weren't youth groups they did military activities and had military stick values. They wanted to create a new nation of Italians who were fit to supplant and war loving.
Fascists hoped to establish a nation with particular attributes? Wanted women to be foundation of the family home makers and mothers
Mussolini’s relationship with the church he compromised the traditional institutions like the church. Let room keep Vatican City. In return the pope recognized the Italian state and Mussolini's regime. Mussolini gave the church money and made Catholic the sole religion of Italy.
Read Glencoe textbook pages 568-570 (Stop before reading The Nazi State, 1933-1939.)
What is the Main Idea of this chapter? Germans were humiliated at the loss of or bore one and from the Great Depression and they found extremist parties more attractive Adolf Hitler's not the parties promise to build a new Germany and the propaganda appeal to German sense of national honor. New Jersey didn't include any group cannot seize considered inferior especially jews
Hitler was an extreme nationalist and he understood the power of three things: propaganda terror and racism
What does NAZI stand for? By 1921 the party membership had 55,000 members and a 15,000 member militia. Define militia and paramilitary and Reichstag. National Socialist German workers party. Militia essay store in troops or the brownshirts were military members for the Nazi party. Paramilitary is a militarized force. Reichstag the German Parliament.
How did Hitler end up in prison? What does Hitler link in Mein Kampf and what does lebensraum mean literally and symbolically? Hitler and went to jail because he staged an armed uprising against the government in Munich in November of 1923 called the beer Hall Putsch it was crushed and he went to prison where he wrote Mein Kampf or my struggle. Lebensraun means living space through expansion it upholds the right of superior individuals to gain leadership over the masses.
Once out of prison Hitler began to expand the NAZI party, how was their rise helped by economic difficulties, specifically unemployment? Germany's economic difficulties were a factor in Nazi rise to power unemployment rose from 4.3 5 million in 1931 to 5.5 million in 1932 the Great Depression had made extremist parties more attractive. Hitler promised Germany that he would be their Savior and deliver them from distressed with his nationalism and militarism
When did Hitler and the Nazi party come to power? Who were their/his major supporters? Pres. Hindenburg allowed Hitler to become chancellor in 1933 and create a new government. Within months Hitler laid foundation for not to parties complete control over Germany.
What did the Enabling Act do and how did the parliament sign its own death warrant? Hitler legally seized power on March 23, 1933 when two thirds vote of the Reichstag passed the enabling act the law that gave the government the power to ignore the Constitution for four years while it made laws to deal with the country's problems. He no longer needed the president or Parliament he became a dictator appointed by the parliamentary body itself.
What are three examples of totalitarian control practiced by the Nazi’s? Employed economic policies, mass spectacles and organizations both old and new to further not to goals. Assess maintained order controlled the secret police forces secret police, criminal police, concentration camps, execution squads and death camps
Personal Webquest Find an example of either Nazi or Fascist Italy propaganda. This can be a speech or a poster. If you find an interesting speech, listen to it (or read a translated transcript) and analyze how it expresses fascist ideals. Also, why might this message be appealing? If you find an interesting poster, study it and analyze how it expresses fascist ideals. Also, why might this message be appealing?
Below is an interesting not see propaganda poster. It expressed the fascist ideas that if you too could have four children that were gorgeous blonde hair blue eyed and perfect. You could have a fat healthy little baby and his strong powerful looking dad proud of his family. The Germans were humiliated after the war and were down about themselves so the nationalist idea that if he became not see you could be a big powerful role country again probably look pretty good to them.