Gender Inequality in India
Opening thesis and Summary
From the moment a female child is “allowed” to be born she was discriminated against in India. Discrimination happens at every socioeconomic level and is widespread throughout India. The birth of a female child brings thoughts of a dowry that will need to be paid and the financial burden it brings. Boys are brought into the world with fanfare and excitement and girls are seen as a financial burden. Females are far less likely to be literate, far more likely to be the victim of violence and historically have very little chances of inheriting wealth. While the economy is growing rapidly, 79.9 percent still live on less than $2 each day. Although there are many laws that are meant to protect women very few are followed not only because of the rampant corruption in India but because the honor code that is culturally inherent in society.
the vast poverty in India. Some of the poorest areas of India are closest to the largest most wealthy cities. Women do poorly across the board in India but the poorest women fair far worse in terms of propensity to be a victim of violence in rural areas. The amount of poverty in India is staggering. 80% of society lives on less than $78 a month. In families female children are often pulled out of school at a very young age to help bring money to the family while male children are allowed to continue.
Even in the wealthiest families women are often uneducated because they are meant to be nothing more than wives and mothers so why bother? India is a large country and there are large areas where the rural population does very little to increase the standard of living for women.
Women are far less likely to receive healthcare and nutrition. Looking at the maps you can see that the more children women have the more likely they are to be extremely poor. Because there is so little healthcare women rarely are able to regulate the amount of children that they have. The only time some woman sees a doctor is to get an abortion to get rid of a female child in some places.
Women and female children are the last in a family. Female children and women literally receive the scraps after the men are done eating. In this patriarchal society, women fair less than dogs. Women are far more likely to be illiterate, and live in poverty.
Less than half are women because so many female fetuses are aborted. The stakeholders of course want equal footing with men in society but there were deep held we the just and cultural problems that hold them back. There are many laws that attempt to help women but women across the entire caste system face incredible gender inequality.
Women are not allowed to be alone with men for example and because all of the teachers in India are generally men just sending a girl to school is enough reason for her virginity to be questioned so in rural populations people keep their female children home so no one can question their virginity
Caste system
The women from the lowest castes have the most difficult time in India because they are women. The most obvious problem with the caste system was that under its rigidity, the lower castes were prevented from aspiring to climb higher, and, therefore, economic progress is restricted, especially for women.
There are many reasons for this including cultural history and the caste system. Women are held by a strict honor code.. Forced marriages also hold women back from an education. The caste system makes increasing the income of a household even more difficult.
Despite laws on the books to protect women the honor system and a lack of voice have caused women to accept abuse and even rape without saying a word. Women from the lowest caste has seen the greatest incidences of abuse although women from every socioeconomic group in India have seen increases over the years and violence.
Women in India seek gender equality including equal wages, the right to health care, education and where political rights in general. Indian women are faced with even more problems because of the historical patriarchal society.
The arcane inheritance laws and violence against women have gained notoriety recently but in rural India women simply do not use their voices
Gandhi started a women's movement in 1915. More recently laws have been changed focusing on the fair treatment of women in the workplace and at home.
For instance, as per ancient Hindu law giver Manu: “Women are supposed to be in the custody of their father when they are children, they must be under the custody of their husband when married and under the custody of her son in old age or as widows. In no circumstances she should be allowed to assert herself independently”.
If you were to believe them then things must be getting better, but not for women. Women still hold the lowest place in society. Women's place is to take care of the home if they are wealthy and are often married young inside of the marriage that the parents have arranged and must follows cultural norms where males are always in charge. Women are not even really in charge of their home.
Women who do get divorced, which is incredibly rare, are often separated from their children because men are believed to be able to raise children better than women. Courts often allow children to live with women until they are about five and then they go live with their fathers.
Violence against women especially domestic life was his quite common. Domestic violence is rarely reported to authorities because the justice system simply does not work in women's favor. The current justice system works so slowly that by the time it gets to court literally years have gone by. And those are just the cases that actually make it to court those cases don't make it to court because women choose not to press charges in the first place. But even if you follow the numbers you will see that violence against women is a huge problem in India. When you consider that about 1% of crimes or even reported in the first place violence against women is a catastrophic problem in India.
Killing baby girls
Even though the practice is outlawed, 300,000 to 600,000 female fetuses are aborted every year in India because of the preference for boys, according to a 2011 study by The Lancet. And the discrimination that begins while in the womb continues throughout a girl's life.
Women's rights activist and Supreme Court lawyer Kirti Singh says there is a marked difference between how many parents treat their daughters and their sons. She says girls aren't given the same kind of food, they're not educated in the same manner, and they're only raised to become someone's wife."From the time they are born -- or not born -- and continuing till late in life when they become wives or mothers, it's a vicious cycle . of discrimination, and violence keeps on continuing.
Dowry often required to take hefty dowries along with them which sometimes can cost a family's entire savings. The practice is banned by the government, but it's still as common as ever.
One woman dies every hour due to dowry related reasons on an average in the country, which has seen a steady rise in such cases between 2007 and 2011, according to official data“National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) figures state that 8,233 dowry deaths were reported in 2012 from various states. The statistics work out to one death per hour.” National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) figures state that 8,233 dowry deaths were reported in 2012 from various states.
more laws are changed and women have more rights. The gross domestic product of India goes up because so many more women have jobs. When you do not utilize the work of 50% of the population your GDP will never be high.
Women make great strides in every aspect of their lives take control and become on equal footing with men in all areas Erie it women are educated at a higher rate and achieve great things
find something happy to finish up with maybe some political strides or something